Lutheran-Baptist Meets Seventh-Day AdventistI walked into my new friend's kitchen and was rocked back in time to my childhood. Grandma's kitchen: Homemade peach cobbler cooling on the counter, homemade fried chicken, ditto (no such thing as Kentucky Fried Chicken), baked beans (real, not canned), potato salad, macaroni salad, and, of course, lemon jello salad with celery, walnuts, apples, bananas and a jar of homemade topping. Jars of homemade bread n' butter pickles, stuffed celery, canned, Queen Ann Cherries, store bought olives and rolls. I'm only remembering some of the dishes prepared ahead for Sunday Dinner. Grandma didn't work on the Sabbath but the family must go to church and come together for dinner on Sunday. All of us cousins were kind of like 'litter-mates'. No movies, no card games, all family.
When I fell back in time and space I was in my friend's kitchen again and there was the 'before Sabbath array'- only it was Friday night. I was in a home that honored the Sabbath by whatever name and I felt right at home, tears of nostalgia in my eyes.
That was a couple of years ago and we're even better friends now. We study together, sing hymns to the Lord together and pray together. We are Christians, sister's in Christ.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for convicting me and leading me back into the habit of honoring my Father's Holy Day.
@copyright 2006 Karen's Passage