Thursday, January 26, 2006


As a child I spent lots of time in Big Basin State Park camping among the redwoods. We ranged far and wide and came back to camp for meals only. On one of our hikes we found a dilapidated cabin with a small graveyard. I used to wonder about that family that came from where? And built a small cabin way up in the woods far from anyone. The small wooden crosses were all falling down and illegible but I knew it was a family - a Mom, a Dad, and children. One grave was very small, it must have been a baby. I always thought the Father dug the grave alone while the Mother, still weak from having the baby, and the children waited inside. I wondered if he read the Bible over the grave. Did they sing a song? Did the Father read the Bible to the children and teach them the ways of our God? In earlier days it was the responsibility of the Father to teach, help birth the children and dig their graves when necessary. Father's don't do that anymore, some stranger does it.
It was getting dark and kind of spooky, besides we were hungry so we headed back to camp. There were about ten of us and not one of us ever told the adults. I think we all had a story in our head and it was kind of sacred. @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage

Sunday, January 22, 2006


What a long day, not feeling well and missed our new Vicar's first sermon. Amazingly, he stopped by to check on me, what a surprise. I love clerical suits and collar. He looked great Anne, wish you were here.
Anyway, need to lose weight so went to a seminar on health, diet and exercise last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They encourage a Vegan diet, so I was chopping onions, cilantro and trying to powder whole cumin by rolling over it with a small spice bottle. Made bean and rice soup - whole protein combined that way.
Wonder if I can get through tomorrow morning without coffee and milk. It's a choice! And it's my choice! I hate it when that happens. Then after no coffee I have to walk for half an hour, plus ten minutes after each meal. Two fruits before noon and no food after 4:00 PM. Yeah, right!
The hardest part is learning a new way to cook. Actually, the rice was my first attempt at a sort of Spanish rice (had to use brown rice) and the beans I cooked to make refried beans, Hispanic style.
The rice turned out too salty and not enough cilantro, the beans didn't have enough cumin but I was tired of rolling that little bottle around. Anyway, I tossed them together and now I have a not too bad bean and rice soup.
After that I laid down on the couch and surfed T.V. until I found "Pretty Woman" in progress, cried my way through the last third of the movie. Felt better after that.
Help, tomorrow's going to be an experience. If Jesus is close I'll make it. Lord, help me make it through the day with humor and a gracious attitude. By the way, is this a test?
Thank you Lord for your presence in my life, you've helped me through tougher times, I trust you. Amen @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage

Friday, January 20, 2006


Remember coloring with your Aunt when you we're a little girl? I had one Aunt who made me stay in the lines, it was very important. My Aunt Mildred didn't make me stay in the lines and rhinos didn't have to be grey. I could color with humor, adventure and even experiment.
Aunt Mildred used to discuss all of her ideas with me, just like I was a grown up. Once she was even a John Bircher, everybody thought that was a scandal. She talked about wood grain and wood smells as she refinished furniture, in paint spattered jeans and an old plaid shirt. She never seemed to mind being dirty.
She took me to Art Galleries,antique stores, camping and when I was almost a teenager she took me to see Billy Graham at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. I can't even remember who else was there, just me and Aunt Mildred and Billy Graham. Then God was there and I swore that if I ever got to see Billy Graham again I would go forward.
Many years passed and I finally accepted God in my life and through all those years until she passed away Aunt Mildred and I corresponded in an 'out side the lines' kind of way. And about three years ago I got to see Billy Graham in Fresno, California and yes, I did go forward. My Aunt Mildred was on my mind the whole time. In fact, she's often on my mind. @ copyright 2006 Karen's Passage


I had to make a quick business trip over Pacheco Pass into Silicon Valley, when I left my house at about 5:00 AM it was almost a dead fog. You could see the lines on both sides of the road and cars within a block, otherwise it was almost a whiteout. I drove out of town through the rural valley and wound up into the foothills through the fog with intense concentration. After about an hour and a half of this I was gripping the wheel tightly, frozen in the tiny world of my pickup cab. I hadn't seen another car or sign of life for at least 20 minutes as I climbed up the pass.
Suddenly, I broke out of the fog into golden sunshine with miles of sunny, green hilltops spread above the dense layer of fog. Alone and awed, I involuntarily said aloud, "Holy, Holy, Holy". I'll never forget that moment or what came out of my mouth. I think I know how Isaiah felt when he cried, "Woe is me", at the sight of God.
Even the reflection of His Great Glory I experienced in that brief moment drew true worship from the depths of my being. God, thank you for your love, your closeness and your generosity. Amen @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I awoke this morning with a cat purring on my chest all warm and snuggly. The early morning hours bring unfettered thoughts, as yet uncluttered by the world. Sometimes the immensity of the universe and the look of everything just 'hanging' there in space is scary until I remember who created it and holds it all together. It reminds me of the phrase from Narnia, 'He is both good and terrible' and that "fear is the beginning of wisdom", Psalms & Proverbs.
As the day wears on and takes on the dimensions of time and space, in my busyness I forget the truth and become aware of how much I must accomplish, how much depends on me. It's only when I become blinded by this self importance that I become impatient with others - they become obstacles, impediments - something to get around. All of this distorts our relationships with others, even those whom we just touch briefly in the course of the day. We become impatient, competitive busy bodies. How can this atmosphere foster love between us?
God, help me remember who and what I really am, help me remember what is really important and guide and protect me through this day. Amen @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage

Saturday, January 14, 2006


I waited patiently for the Lord to help me
and He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and mire.
He sat my feet on solid ground and steadied
me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of
praise to our God.
Psalms 40