As a child I spent lots of time in Big Basin State Park camping among the redwoods. We ranged far and wide and came back to camp for meals only. On one of our hikes we found a dilapidated cabin with a small graveyard. I used to wonder about that family that came from where? And built a small cabin way up in the woods far from anyone. The small wooden crosses were all falling down and illegible but I knew it was a family - a Mom, a Dad, and children. One grave was very small, it must have been a baby. I always thought the Father dug the grave alone while the Mother, still weak from having the baby, and the children waited inside. I wondered if he read the Bible over the grave. Did they sing a song? Did the Father read the Bible to the children and teach them the ways of our God? In earlier days it was the responsibility of the Father to teach, help birth the children and dig their graves when necessary. Father's don't do that anymore, some stranger does it.
It was getting dark and kind of spooky, besides we were hungry so we headed back to camp. There were about ten of us and not one of us ever told the adults. I think we all had a story in our head and it was kind of sacred. @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage