Monday, February 27, 2006


Twentyone years ago I came home to pour my first drink of the evening. It would be a normal evening of drinking and smoking pot until I passed out then waking up with a hangover, going to work and getting through the day until I could start the cycle all over again that evening. Weekends were more of the same except less constrained.
I had stopped going out to drink and carouse two or three years earlier, it seems there's a point beyond which even alcohol and pot can't blot out the shame of permissive, licentious behavior. So, I stayed home and drank.
That particular night was during the week between Christmas and New Year. As I poured the first drink I speculated about how long I could keep a New Year's resolution to quit drinking. Mentally, self responded to self, "Don't be stupid, you'll be doing this the rest of your life." I probably sighed with exhaustion at all those empty years stretched out ahead of me, acknowledging I was powerless to do anything about it. At least that was the mood and substance of the moment. From behind me I heard a voice, "Do it now". There was nothing scary about it, it was broad daylight and I was looking out the kitchen window at people coming and going. But there was no doubt about the voice or what He said.
That drink never got poured. I dragged the chair over to my cupboard and began emptying the shelves of brandy, gin, vodka, tequila, etc. I emptied them all into the sink and filled two or three garbage bags with empty bottles. Next came the pot and paraphernalia and finally even the cigarettes. I guess it took three or four trips to the garbage dumpster and several searches through the apartment before I was satisfied it was all gone. I even scattered the pot among several dumpsters in the area so it couldn't be traced back to my building. I didn't give much thought to what I was doing - I just obeyed that voice. I knew what to do. I didn't think about D.T.s, withdrawal, hullucinations, I'd had them in the past, horribly, but I didn't anticipate I just responded to His voice.
I woke up the next morning without a hangover, the first time in years. No shakes, no hullucinations, I didn't even want a cigarette. The cupboards were bare of bottles, the top of the refrigerator was empty of cigarette cartons and I felt so good, so healthy, so content. I thought of my Grandparents who had given me what religious background I had and began reading my Bible. Soon I began looking for a church.
God has been with me since then, even when I forget to be thankful, when I let the tongue slip into gossip, or fail to love as He loved me. I know His voice and I follow. @copyright 2006 Karen's Passage


Pirate said...

I am on day two of this exactly. With the grace of God I will succeed.

anup.777 said...

wow! ... this is so amazing! ... I'm really happy for you .... and thanks for sharing this with us ... God Bless Ya! :)

Malcolm said...

Ha, ha haha ahhhahaha
do you also believe in hobgoblins and trolls ?
You have as much chance of meeting a troll as you have of hearing a god talk. There are, in fact, special places for people hearing voices, they have nice padded rooms where you are allowed to hear all sorts of voices.

Karen1776 said...

Nevertheless, I've been 'clean and sobor' for twentyone years.
The proof is in the pudding.

Anonymous said...

God is good all of the time. There is no explaining to people that have never had that experience.

Grace to you!!!


Wendy Love said...

What a powerful testimony! Thanks for sharing that.

Climbing to the Higher Calling said...

2006 is so long ago, and probably many things have transpired in your walk with the Lord, as it has with me. I opened my old blog because I was starting a new one, and saw your comment. I am sorry that I never responded to you. Right after I wrote that mountain climb, my mom died and dad moved in with me. He is now 88 and doing very well, but it was an uphill climb until we could get his heart stabled emotionally as well as physically. My new blog is more about art, card making, and scrapbook keeping.
I am still climbing those mountains, but the Bible study finished and many of the students went on to be teachers.
Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and hope you are ok. Thanks for your post so long ago.